Wednesday, June 12, 2013

World Oceans Day: A Look Back

I hope everyone enjoyed their 2013 World Oceans Day! My apologies about my lack luster post on such an important day, however, I had to work and then left for a few days camping!  Free time is hard to come by these days.  Anywho - lets take a look at what World Oceans Day is all about and what events were happening this year.

It all started in 1992 by the Canadians! Way to go Canada! It gained so much world-wide attention that the U.N. officially designated it in 2008.  Unfortunately, things have been getting worse before they're getting better for the oceans.  Pollution, over-fishing and acidification are three of the top issues.  Although some efforts are being made, more needs to be done and from the top!  Write to your senator, start a campaign in your area, host a movie showing like Bag It (which left me in tears by the way)!

World Oceans Day is a day to bring more attention and focus to the problems.  This year, several events took place all over the world!  In Cameroon, activities were set up by organizations about reforestation and protecting their rivers and lakes.  In Maldives, reef cleaning took place along with educational games for kids.  In Costa Rica, they hosted the International Environmental Film Festival! In Ireland, the Galway Aquarium hosted a family fun day and the Green Divers organized a beach and sea clean up.  It was a worldwide event and to find out more about all the other countries that helped in the efforts, check out World Oceans Day website.

How did you spend your World Oceans Day?  I'd love to hear your story.  But remember, you don't have to wait for World Oceans Day 2014 to do something.  In my book, every day should be World Oceans Day.  Do what you can every day and that will make a world of difference!  Make it a habit or a life style - not just one day a year.

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