Friday, June 29, 2012


Welcome to my new blog!  For those of you that know me well, know of my love for the ocean.  I love being in it, being near it, the sight, the sound and even the taste of it.  It saddens me deeply to know how our oceans are being polluted and that the plants and animals that call it home are being harmed and killed.  My biggest pet-peeve is plastic!  I guarantee that you will find me harping about in many posts to come. 

This is my attempt at spreading awareness, teaching others about our oceans and learning new things myself.  I will focus on the state of our oceans, current issues and research, ways you can help and other fun facts and articles that I stumble upon.  I hope you enjoy, learn a little bit and put some ocean saving techniques into practice!

Remember - when you go to the beach, you should only leave footprints in the sand.


  1. Congrats on the new blog! Looking forward to following your posts!


  2. Good career move.
